Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

Calories don’t count on vacation, right? I wish. We are told time and time again that weight-loss and exercise require a commitment to routine. So, how do we navigate through our routines when we go on a vacation or if we have to leave the structure of our home?

Last week, I went to the Grand Canyon and Southern Utah for a week long vacation of hiking and sight-seeing. We were on the road quite a bit, as we drove from park to park. Hunger quickly set in, and fast food was readily available. The temptation was palpable and hard to fight. Luckily, we prepared well so we didn’t have to fall into the calorie traps located on every exit.

1.     Almonds
Almonds are a great go-to snack. They are packed with nutrients, easy to travel with, and go a long way for such a small amount. These kept me satisfied in between meals, so I was ready to conquer any hike ahead of me.
 2.     Beef Jerky
Beef Jerky is a great source of protein that allows me to feel full if I am in a jam. I like to find brands that don’t contain nitrates, so I know that it is preserved naturally. This affects the timeframe for how long the product is good for, but it is worth it to know what you are putting into your body. The only caveat with beef jerky is the sodium levels…just be aware if that is something that you are trying to control and monitor.

3.     RX Bars
These bars are my favorite snacks in the world. The packaging displays exactly what the bar contains, which makes me feel confident with what I am feeding my body. This bar keeps me full and tastes amazing. The maple sea salt is my favorite. It tastes just like a waffle, minus the butter and syrup inducing guilt! I have happily taste-tested the other flavors, as well, and they have all passed with flying colors. They are available to order online or at Trader Joe’s, Fresh Thyme, and Whole Foods.

If fast food is your only viable option, I recommend ordering any variation of a grilled chicken sandwich. You can choose to eat this with or without the bun. These are traditionally the lowest-calorie options at many of the classic fast food chains. The McDonald's "Egg McMuffin" is another relatively healthy option, which is now available all day long. This will allow you to eat fast food without beating yourself up afterward.

Do you have any travel food recommendations? What is your go-to snack on the road? I would to hear any/all advice you have! Comment below or send me a tweet @musclesandmacaroni. 


  1. I've been curious about the RX bars. Love the pics!

  2. Great points! Almonds are one of mine and my husband's favorite snacks and we keep them on hand at all times.

    1. They are such an easy snack...too easy! I find little pouches of almonds at the bottom of all my bags. Ha!

  3. Awesome! I did a similar trip last December; my sister and I flew out to Phoenix, rented a car, and visited Sedona, the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Winslow, and the Tonto Natural Bridge. Hunger definitely strikes hard when you're constantly mobile; luckily, the Mexican restaurants (and a few Subways) in Arizona and Utah gave my sister and I various options to consider that involved both grilled chicken and complex carbohydrates such as whole grain rice and spinach.

    By the way, my go-to on-the-go snacks are similar to yours as well: Planters NUT-rition Heart Healthy Mix (peanuts, almonds, pistachios, pecans, walnuts, and hazelnuts), Chocolate Deluxe Pure Protein bars, Jack Link's Steakhouse Beef Jerky, and plenty of bananas!

    1. I was lucky enough to live in Utah for about ten years. Such an incredible place to live. There are so many amazing things to see. And yes, several Subways! Haha!

  4. Great choices for snacks on the go. I've never tried RX Bars. I will definitely be grabbing a few on my next grocery shopping trip.

    I work at a bank. CVS brings us large bags of post season candy. I keep raw almonds in the candy drawer at work. Late afternoon, when hunger kicks in as dinner time approaches, raw almonds stored in the same place as the candy keeps me snacking on nutrients instead of sugar. :)

    My boyfriend and I are going on a road trip this October. I'll remember my almonds jerky and RX bars :)

    1. Ooo! You have to try RX Bars. They are my favorite. I hope you have a wonderful trip. It pays to plan ahead, for sure!

  5. I'm going on a trip soon and these travel snack tips will definitely help out to prep properly, thanks!

  6. Eating healthy on the road is a huge challenge. I was recently in Mexico two weeks ago and I had a difficult time finding healthy options to eat. When I am on the road at home, I like to make sandwiches with fresh deli meat, preferably turkey, spinach, mustard on a sandwich slim bread. I also like packing some Cliff Bars. I have never tried the RX Bars but they have some good stats!

  7. Those are amazing tips! I love anything helpful, especially for long journeys. The fast food sounds good initially, but it ends up not being worth it with how you feel afterwards. The instant gratification is totally destroyed by how my stomach feels once I start to digest it. Thanks for the great tips!

  8. I usually feel that while I am vacationing, my diet can be on vacation too. I quickly realize how wrong I am after I get back and settle up on the scale. Thanks for the great tips on healthy, long lasting snacking options while on vacation or traveling!


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